4.1.3 Misdirection and hard-to-decode displayed route.
Yesterday, I ran into two problems:
MyRouteApp sent me turning around for a loop of about 15 km: I noticed it as I saw "Chemin de Prin" displayed in the directions and I rembered I had been there about 10 minutes before. As I record my routes in Google Maps, it shows on the screenshot. To recover the correct route, I used another program.
At that time, and a bit before as well, the route shown on the display was hard-to-read as the correct direction was not the only one highlighted
in bold.
@ATLast If you could share your route here, maybe we can help you out. Make shure the route is set to public
@ATLast, If you record (track) your route in MRA instead of Google Maps you can load it into your route to have a combined view afterwards. Just a tip.
The white line (A) represents the originally calculated route you started with
The white arrow in the blue route line (B) indicates the direction to follow.Personally I am not familiar with CP/AA but I think if you tap the screen once, some extra buttons will appear, one of them is a skip waypoint button. That one can be used to skip manually if for some reason a waypoint is missed.
I don't record the route on MRA, I just have Maps recording me all the time as I use that for work as well: I know when I'm at a customer and when I leave...
I don't set any waypoint, I just ask MRA to calculate a route when I leave, that's all...
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in 4.1.3 Misdirection and hard-to-decode displayed route.:
If you could share your route here, maybe we can help you out. Make shure the route is set to public
Sorry, but I don't create the route on the website.
I just want the freedom of setting it whenewer I choose to and have the ability to change it while on the road. -