Issues planning curvy routes
I know this app is still on Beta, but I'm very happy with how it is developed. Is a great job for a great app. All following comments refer to 'last' version 3.2.13 - 168 on IOS
Also, my apologies if this items I remark are commented on other forum messages.
Let's go.
Normally I use it for routes developed from MRA Web. Lately I tried to use "curvy" modes to see how they work and found some strange (for me) things...
I point a known destiny and calculate direct route (this is fine). Then, I try to use curvy modes and....
1.- all three modes shows same curvy route, with independence of amount of curves selected.
2.- Config options does not "save" for every curvy button (as example if I want to use highways and save this option por first curvy icon, every time I press the first curvy icon, resets selections to default)
3.- Almost in all test I made, turning on "Cities" switch change route to shortest (same as direct navigation) in all 3 curvy modes
4.- Curvy modes uses a lot of off roads that are blocked for cars and motorbikes. I select always "car" navigation.There is also some things about OSM Map, which could be avoided if initial map on app was Here Map (as all of us that use Next to test, has at least Here Navigation maps) Those problems on planning are self "repaired" on navigation when changes to Here Maps, but is a inconvenient for no MRA gold users.
And... nothing else by the moment.
Best Regards!!!!
@Lluis-Arasanz Thanks for the feedback!
1: that can happen if there are no real alternatives. Feel free to share a screenshot of the app at that point
2: that is indeed by design - we do store the avoid highway / toll / ferry setting
3: that can indeed happen
4: can you share more information?If you select the HERE map as you maplayer of preference in the app, it will always use that one!
Just change your map to HERE and done.
1 and 4.- I'll prepare some routes on my Area to show you points 1 and 4. The most "strange is number 4. I also check what happens when I try tou use one of those blocked off-road routes with Here map.
2.- Perfect. Then I will not break my head trying to store
3.- well, nothing important, if "2" does not work
about selecting "Here" as defaukt map on preferences... I can't Those maps are limited to "gold", even if I can use Here Map being a lifetime Navigator:
In a while I put more screenshots
Best Regards
Hi again @Corjan-Meijerink ,
A fast comment about curvy routes:
Direct one:
Curvy level 1:
This has a problem I'll show at the endCurvy levels 2 and 3:
Basically the same route.
And problems about blocked roads.... on next post
Screen shot one: route start. In red shows car blocked road.
in green road that we must use:
and here, What hapens when I try to use with Here Map as a track (after an error by bad route):
If you need more info... I'll post here.
Best regards
@Lluis-Arasanz thanks!
You are right, in the Mobile app the HERE maps still need to be made accessible for Navigation users
Regarding the generated routes: the level of overlap seems within reason for such a small distance. About the blocked roads: that makes sense too. The routes are generated with OSM and is less aware of blocked roads while HERE (used for actual navigation) checks that against most recent information.
Perfect then. We must wait until Here Maps are available to Navigation Users
Also, I donโt use off-road paths a lot โcause there are a lot of restrictions for motor use.
Keep pushing!!!!