When navigating a route how should this work?
15 is a shaping point, a little bit off the main road. If I decide not to visit that point but keep driving north , how should the navigation work with a) automatic recalc off , b)use all waypoints c)skip waypoints automatic and d)not navigating the route as track?
@Herman-Veldhuizen Zal geen probleem zijn, het is een "zachte" routepunt die je perse niet hoeft te nemen. Als je direct van 14 naar 16 rijdt, dan zal de navigatie 15 overspringen en de route gewoon vanaf 16 weer volgen.
Een "harde" routepunt ben je wel verplicht om te volgen.
@Nomko-Nomden Ja dat dacht ik ook maar het is niet wat ik krijg. De app herberekent en blijft me terug sturen naar 15. Alleen als ik navigeer route als track werkt het zoals je beschrijft.
@Herman-Veldhuizen Something else which might be relevant is that 15 was added by hand after I had imported the waypoint list. Straight after adding a point by hand, a point is the last point in the list and becomes automatically a viapoint. Then in the waypoints list I moved the point by hand (in the app) to where it belongs , between 14 and 16. Then the type changed and it became a shaping point. Could there be a bug here : 15 looks like it is a shaping point but in reality it is still a viapoint?
But did it eventually skip it?
When navigating a route, a waypoint is never skipped on the first miss.If you are driving on the highway, it can however take a while before the second recalculation ("miss") is.
@Corjan-Meijerink I don't know. I stopped the navigation after it tried to send me back to 15. Indeed on the highway it results in a big detour and this behaviour is a big difference when compared with navigate as track. When I tried normal route calculation a while ago it indeed did skip the shape point eventually.
@Herman-Veldhuizen, it is indeed, and for some the reason to prefer track navigation indeed. I understand your reluctance and eager to stop navigation, but much can be learned from the app's behaviour if you let it go on for a while. It will not be that illogical once you understand the differences. Of course your specific use as a bus driver is not everyone's everyday use case
@Con-Hennekens I know it isn't the usual usecase. However the app is and I hope remains an app which can be used by cyclists, car and bus drivers. I would think that most of them will struggle with the standard route navigation behaviour on the highway and shaping points slightly of the highway. If I decide to ignore an instruction to leave the highway I already have decided to skip the point. The need to interact or having to ignore several instructions thereafter is too much of a pain. Luckily the navigate as track solved this problem.