8 Day tour from eurotunnel
Hi I am new to route planning. Have booked Eurotunnel to Calais 7th June - 15 June and trying to plan scenic motorcycle route (maybe down as far and taking in some of the Pyrenees). Can anybody help with planning a nice scenic route over 8 days?
@Mavrik Have you already taken a look in the many routes in the library? Many routes in France to be found there.
When i plan a trip i first define my start point and my end point. Then i go searching for the internet looking for nice scneic routes. If a route, or a part of it, looks great enough, i import that route in MRA and modify it to my needs. Other parts i check with Google Maps/Streetview to check if it looks scenic and interesting enough to add it to my route. This way i am able to get what i want. Sometimes when a route is finished, i tweak it a little bit here and there depending on hotel (or B&B), gas stations, etc.It does take some day's to have it as i want, but that's the joy i get fiddling in MRA producing the most beautiful scenic route for me to enjoy in the summer.
There are some lovely bits of France with some really nice roads but, for me, you need to get close to the Pyrenees or, better still, the Alps, to get the really stunning scenery that's around virtually every corner, and the breath-taking roads that can be ridden fast, slow or anywhere in between, and still be hugely enjoyable.
Having spend many trips exploring bits of France north of Paris, I came to the conclusion that, if you're into WW1 and WW2 history then it's a great place to go but if you want breath-taking scenery then get on the autoroute for a day and get to the Alps. From there ride the Route des Grandes Alpes and the route Napoleon. Visit the Gorge du Verdon and the Combe Laval balcony road.