route and ferry recommendations
Hello everyone,
This year we would like to go to Norway. 2 people, a car with trailer. We come from the Aachen region, so we have to drive through half of Germany before we arrive in northern Germany. I was in Sweden last year. Fantastic. Now, as I said, it's going to be Norway, and we want to ‘shorten’ part of it ‘cheaply’ with ferries. Do you have any routes/ferry recommendations? Better to take a longer ferry route or should we split and make a detour? In total we have three weeks time.
I was in Norway last year by motorcycle and used the route via Finnland, as I wanted to include the NorthCape in my tour. For me the ferry from Travemünde to Helsinki worked best and was - at least for a motorcyclist - reasonably priced.
My return route did go via Oslo, so I used the Oslo kiel ferry.I also had 3 weeks and have a really great trip.
I put my routes on MyRoute APP, so I will check if I can find out how you can get access to it.
Please try this link
Thomas -
@Cookie-On-Tour Click on Zeitleiste, Routen or others.
@Jörgen Letztes Jahr bin ich zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit wieder mit dem Motorrad nach Norwegen gefahren. Früher habe ich die Fähre an der Spitze von Dänemark genommen. Das ist für mich etwa 900 km von zu Hause entfernt. Das bin ich dann in einer Fahrt gefahren und mit dem Nachtboot rübergefahren. Dann bin ich für die Überfahrt wieder nach Hirtshals gefahren, hatte aber auf dem Weg dorthin einen Hotelaufenthalt in Rebuild. Am nächsten Tag fuhr ich dann die letzten 100 km nach Hirtshals für die Überfahrt nach Kristiansand. Ich hatte die Wahl zwischen dem normalen und dem schnellen Boot, 2 bzw. 4 Stunden Fahrt, und entschied mich für das schnelle. Dieses Jahr fahre ich von Hirtshals nach Larvik. Dasselbe Konzept. Von zu Hause in einem Rutsch nach Rebuild in Dänemark zur Übernachtung und am nächsten Tag die letzten 100 km. Der Vorteil der Übernachtung ist, dass man nicht in der Schwebe ist, ob man pünktlich am Boot ankommt.
@white-mouse Ich hatte zwar nicht gefragt, aber Jörg kann ja mitlesen.
Last year I travelled to Norway on my motorbike for the first time in a long time. I used to take the ferry at the tip of Denmark. That's about 900 kilometres from home for me. I drove that in one journey and crossed over by night boat. Then I drove back to Hirtshals for the crossing, but had a hotel stay in Rebuild on the way there. The next day I drove the last 100 kilometres to Hirtshals for the crossing to Kristiansand. I had the choice between the normal and the fast boat, a 2 or 4 hour journey, and opted for the fast one. This year I'm travelling from Hirtshals to Larvik. Same concept. From home to Rebuild in Denmark in one go for an overnight stay and then the last 100 kilometres the next day. The advantage of staying overnight is that you are not in limbo as to whether you will arrive at the boat on time. -
@Jörgen said in route and ferry recommendations:
@Cookie-On-Tour Click on Zeitleiste, Routen or others.
Wieder was gelernt - Danke!
Always learning new stuff- thank you!
@Cookie-On-Tour There are a lot of options. I think the cheapest would be to drive to Hirtshals (Denmark) and take the Color Line ferry to Kristiansand (or Larvik), a 3 (or 3,5) hour crossing, but of course you have to drive all the way up to the top of Denmark for that, which is about 365 km from the German border.
If you want to start your trip through Norway in Oslo instead, you can take the Go Nordic ferry (with overnight stay) from Frederikshavn (Denmark) to Oslo (10 hour crossing), with a 360 km drive from the German border as well. This is currently still available through DFDS Ferries, but I haven't found a way to book there for later in the year.
Another option would the overnight Stena Line ferry from Kiel to Göteborg (Sweden) (14,5 hour crossing + a 4-hour drive to Oslo from there), while the most luxurious and comfortable option is probably the Color Line cruise ferry from Kiel directly to Oslo (a 20 hour crossing).