MRA and Garmin XT2 / Tread
I used to have a Garmin XT for my navigation but now switched to the XT2.
What the best way is to get routes (that I have made in MRA) to my XT2. I can understand that you focus on MRA Next but there is still a huge user group for Garmin.
When using the XT, the Drive app did pretty well with GPX 1.2 but now with the XT2 and the Tread app the exported routes are not working like I expected.
Am I doing something wrong or is this an action point already for the MRA developers?
Thanks in advance!
@Hans-van-Hout Your best bet would be to login here.
Quite a bit of discussion of using Tread with the XT2 and the problems it causes. I have an XT so can't answer your queries re tread. Sorry.
Via the connector or via the MRA app together with the tread app
@Mzokk said in MRA and Garmin XT2 / Tread:
@Hans-van-Hout Your best bet would be to login here.
Quite a bit of discussion of using Tread with the XT2 and the problems it causes. I have an XT so can't answer your queries re tread. Sorry.
@Hans-van-Hout Er is ook een Nederlandse forum voor navigatie systemen. Dit is een forum opgezet door Waypoint.
Ook hier zie je diverse problemen met Tread en de XT2.
Link naar deze Waypoint GPS forum.
Link naar de Garmin Zumo XT(2) subforum topic. -
@Nomko-Nomden Dank! Dan ga ik daar ook eens bladeren.
I have a Zumo XT. I transfer GPX 1.1 files with a simple file copy to the GPX folder on Garmin internal storage.
Assuming you're using Windows, plug your XT2 into your computer and you'll see your XT2 in File Explorer. Drill own to the GPX folder on Garmin Internal Storage. Open another File Explorer window and navigate to wherever your GPX files are stored. Then do a drag and drop into the Garmin GPX folder.
That's it. You'll be bypassing Tread and everything else in XT2 that can modify/alter your route. There is a Garmin Support page that outlines this method:
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA Ja, dat weet ik. Maar als ik een GPX 1.2 route exporteer via MRA naar Tread dan klopt de route in de XT2 niet meer.
Dus of ik moet iets aanpassen in de XT2 of MRA en Tread hebben een compatibiliteits issue. MRA --> Garmin Drive --> Garmin XT ging over het algemeen prima.
@Hans-van-Hout zoals Hans al zei, het beste via de connector in MRA. Trend geeft een heleboel problemen
Dat ligt aan Tread en de Garmin Explore website. Zoals @Marinus-van-Deudekom al aangaf, gebruik de connector als je een windows PC gebruikt. Gebruiimje een Mac, gebruik dan de MRA App icm met Tread, maar alleen gpx 1.1
@Marinus-van-Deudekom Why is the MRA Connector preferable to a straight copy into the XT2 GPX folder?
@John-S-Parry Maybe @Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA can give you the best answer since he owns a XT2 and I don’t
@John-S-Parry said in MRA and Garmin XT2 / Tread:
Why is the MRA Connector preferable to a straight copy into the XT2 GPX folder?
Basically you do the same thing, just with fewer steps.