@Corjan-Meijerink, Which might be cool. I take the photos while driving a route. My track is active. In the evening, or perhaps later, I would like to add the photos to the track. I have to tell the track exactly where I want to insert this photo. What would be really cool would be if the geodata from the photo is saved and the point on the track is automatically selected based on the data.
Add Picture after save Tracklog from Gallery
Hi all Users of MRA
when you have an active Tracklog (green Button) is very easy to add Picture from I-Phone Gallery with the correct Geo-Tag to the Track. I miss the same function for an stored Tracklog so I can easy add Picture in the evening when I spent a pint of Beer. Knows anyone how it works?
@Tegel-Werner not possible!
Something I still wish to add.You’d have to do it manually on the website
@Corjan-Meijerink, that would be very nice!
@Corjan-Meijerink it was only add a Button on Tracklog Tab (add Photo) the same Function as an active Tracklog. You can ask your Team if this is easy to do (I hope so).
Regards Werner (I like MRA)
@Corjan-Meijerink, Which might be cool. I take the photos while driving a route. My track is active. In the evening, or perhaps later, I would like to add the photos to the track. I have to tell the track exactly where I want to insert this photo. What would be really cool would be if the geodata from the photo is saved and the point on the track is automatically selected based on the data.
@Motobummler Hi Motobummler i work with two iPhone one is Routing and the Second is for Picture. When I finished the Tour I add all Picture from the Tour to the Tracklog before I saved the Tracklog so all Picture on the correct Geo Position. Later I can delete Picture from the Tour which are not interested. -> This is easier as Position every Picture to the Correct Place. -> This is only a Workaround
Gruß nach Erding von Ulm
@Tegel-Werner, das ist auch ein guter Weg. Danke für den Tipp.
Mit den zwei Apple Geräten hast du natürlich den Vorteil der iCloud und den Foto Sync. So das beim speichern des Tracks die Fotos von deinen Aufnahmen zur Verfügung stehen.Bei mir funktioniert das so leider nicht da ich mit meinen iPhone zwar die Fotos mache aber über meinen RT3 (Android) navigiere und somit beim beenden der Route die Fotos nicht auf dem Gerät zur Verfügung habe.
Daher dachte ich mir eben ob es nicht so eine Möglichkeit gebe um im Nachhinein den Track mit den Bilder zu bestücken und dabei die geodaten auszuwerten. Das hätte den Vorteil das es Geräte übergreifend funktionieren kann. Vielleicht liest @Corjan-Meijerink das und findet es auch interessant 🤭
Einen schönen Gruß aus Erding ins schöne Ulm