Ordering Routes in Apple Carplay
In MRA Routeplanner the routes can be ordered by the route name or by the change date or by any other column item.
In Apple Carplay the routes are always ordered by the route name and the sorting can't be changed to an other column items. (At least I can't find a possibility to setup this)
This is somewhat unpractical approach and in my opinion it would be better to set the ordering to the change date. In this case the latest changed routes should be shown first.
@Forti Thanks for the suggestion!
I'll see what we can do with this in the future.If you want this sorting just to get the latest route, I'd recommend using the button that explicitly does this
@Corjan-Meijerink  In my display the routes are always sorted alphabetically by name.
Where do I find the button to show the latest route first ? I only find the possibility to get the last route.
@Forti That button is the one I mean
@Corjan-Meijerink The button "Last Route" or "Letzte Route" and the non existing button "Latest routes first" or "Neueste Routen zuerst" isn't the same funtionsality.
And to change sorting functionality with a button "Latest routes first" would be great in practical use.
@Forti No I know that
Just mentioned how you could load the latest route. -
It would be great that with a button the route ordering function could be changed from "name ordering" to "change date ordering".
If this is not possible, a solution could also be that the latest routes are always shown first.
Also the possibility to start/stop/save the route tracking is missing in the Apple CarPlay UI.