Suggestion: add Duration & Distance options to scenic A-B route
If you use the round trip generator (A->A) you can request either:
- a distance (50 miles), or
- a duration (2 hours)
- and, of course, the wriggliness
If you auto-create a route (A->B) you can only set the wriggliness, not the duration or distance.
It would be sweet if the scenic route generator could be extended to match the roundtrip route generator (distance, duration, wriggliness), but just have different start and end points.
- I want to ride A->B and take 2 hours even though they're only 20 mins apart.
- I want to go A->B by riding 70 miles rather than the direct 20 mile route
That's got to be an easy win, surely, Corjan? (given time, of course - there are other fixes I'm sure you're covering!)
[EDIT: the UI could just be the scenic route with A and B entry fields, and have a tick box saying roundtrip, and that would autofill (or hide) box B.]
That also aligns with the wishes of this user, if I'm not mistaken!
I do like the suggestion but I don't think this is something we will incorporate soon!
I had a look and it's not something that is done out of the box but I do see a use case for it!
Ah, that's a shame. Here's some UI for when HERE (?) streamline their API :- no need for route type selector - it's a scenic route
- add a 'roundtrip' checkbox
- show/hide destination input depending on the checkbox
A-B route:
And when the checkbox is ticked to say roundtrip: