Travel planning, best practice?
I'm new to the MyRoute app and would like to learn the basics and find out the best way to go about planning a trip.
Normally I naively imagine it like this....
- I first collect places of interest in the region where I would like to go on holiday (region, can also be a whole province, a district or a whole country
- Then I cross places off the list again, usually because they are too far off the beaten track (or move them to a kind of archive, e.g. for the next holiday, or optional)
- Hopefully the route will now be created from the remaining places and I would hope that the programme will help me to create an optimised route from the remaining places
When I create a route, the MyRoute planner adds the places in the order in which they were entered and also defines a route, which is annoying and irritating at first, can this be switched off?
Do I create the locations as POIs, VIAs or shaping points? And if, for example, there are several places/sights etc. in the vicinity, I don't really want to make a "fixed" route out of it, but rather look for a central base location and then decide for myself when I visit which place from there and then let myself be navigated there.
My first few attempts didn't really work out and I lost sight of two places I actually wanted to go to.
Maybe there are pro users here who can help with the procedure and would like to give tips?
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
Jörg - I first collect places of interest in the region where I would like to go on holiday (region, can also be a whole province, a district or a whole country
@Cookie-On-Tour I advise you to watch the video's from the supportsection!
@Rob-Verhoeff I can't see or find any videos there? Looks pretty empty to me...
@Rob-Verhoeff ... now I know why it is empty for me, it looks like that the content is tagged with a language and German is not having any tagged content. When I switch over to English or Durch I can see a lot of content. So it would be nice if there would be a fall-back language like English, if the mother language has no content to show or at least an info box that there is content in a different language.
Anyways, all tutorials are about directly planning a route. But what if I am at the planning phase, not exactly knowing what I like to have at my route?
I like to create a collection of viable options at the beginning, so no routing required. After that I may end up with a list of "must do", "maybe", "optional" and "postponed to next visit" points.
And as said, there will be points, which have no particular order or planning, which I may want to visit while I am located at a kind of a base camp, like okay today I am in the mood to visit ...."xyz" and I want the app support to navigate there.
From what I already know I have to go into a route all time to see my points (if not marked as favorite), and they lack to my humble opinion of a kind of categorization that I can group them with, only the icon can be changed (only from the list, not directly at the map).
So my question is about starting to make plans, means the steps before I am going into the route question.
@Cookie-On-Tour I think I understand a bit of what you mean. Plotting some points on a map in advance and letting the route planner determine what is feasible for you in a day. Let's say a maximum of 250 km driving. Then show me all the routes based on the points I have plotted on the map. Is that what you mean? Certainly an attractive use case, but also one that is pretty difficult, I think. If that's what you mean, then MRA cannot do that. You can create your own POI library and also display it on the map. But you will have to determine yourself how far or how long you want to drive in a day and which POIs you want to include in that route.
If your question is different, then perhaps someone else has ideas about this!
Welcome to MyRoute! It’s a handy app once you get the hang of it. Start by gathering all the places you want to visit. Use POIs for must-see spots, VIA points for planned stops, and shaping points to fine-tune your route.
For multiple sights in one area, set a central base and create routes from there or navigate as you go. To avoid the app auto-ordering your stops, use shaping points first, then switch to VIA points once your route is set. You can also manually rearrange stops or use the optimize function to get the best route.