New beta v4.1.1 (294)
Hi all!
After the 4.1.0 release, the improvements to Android Auto and CarPlay were greatly appreciated and above all noticeable!
Obviously there were still some issues present and new issues were also revealed. This beta is now being released to get feedback on the following subjects.
Supporting older Android devices
Despite Google not supporting Android 9 anymore since 2022, quite some users still use these devices as their "throwaway" mounted navigation phone. We are curious to see how this beta version performs on older Android phones.Map loading issues
Across Android and iOS users reported the app showing a blank map. Both in the home screen and in the navigation module. Please let us know if / when / how much that occurs in this version.Automatic waypoint skipping
Due to an undocumented change in software we use, waypoints were quite often accidentally skipped. This also happed for viapointsand therefore unacceptable. In this beta, we've fixed the accidental skipping of any waypoint and while working on the subject the existing auto skip algorithm has also been improved.
As always, thanks so much for your feedback on the app
Team MRA -
@Corjan-Meijerink Again, splendid work performed by the engineering team of MRA!
Can't wait to test the new beta :).
Patience is the word, particularly if you are on Android.
I forgot the default note “available within a few hours / the next day”
Thought this was general beta knowledge by now!
Android update now available.
4.1.1 - 294 -
@Corjan-Meijerink Hallo Corjan bedankt voor al je werk voor deze update 294. Helaas dit zijn na deze update mijn ervaringen.
Wit scherm op Samsung S7 android versie 8, wit scherm op Samsung S6 android 7, niet alleen bij update maar ook na schone installatie.
De icons, snelheid richting etc, zijn nu wel zichtbaar.
Jammer dat ik je dit weer moet berichten, ik weet hoeveel werk jullie er in steken. Ik hoop dat jullie nog een oplossing bedenken want ik ben vast niet de enige die z 'n oudere samsung gebruikt als navigatie toestel. Veel succes en houd moed! -
Minor bug:
Samsung running Android 14
Android v4.1.1 - 294- Open app and default OSM map shows on 'home' page.
- minimise MRA, and then open another app
- go back to MRA
- map is no longer there
Closing MRA with the back button (i.e. closing it 'properly') solves the problem.
A bit fo an an obscure bug, but it might point to some other problem, or help out.
a bit of a stupid question...
Will there also be an update for the “normal app” in this regard? Unfortunately I don't have the "beta".... -
iOS updated automatically via TestFlight
@Christian-Schrenk If the update is successful in beta it will then be released for all users.
Okay, thank you for the quick answer! Since I've had no problems with MRA so far and am just a normal user, I've never really thought about the beta.
Well then I hope that the card problem can be solved. As a precaution, I have already found out about new outdoor phones. It would be nice if I could save myself having to buy two new devices.
@Peter-Schiefer said in New beta v4.1.1 (294):
Gibt es überhaupt eine normal Version?
Sure, in iOS, you delete the Testflight version. After that, you go to the App Store and download the public version. For Android, the procedure is a bit more complicated, I believe.
@Corjan-Meijerink my Android S7 Android v 8 still does not show any maps.
Hola @Corjan-Meijerink.
Lamentablemente en mi samsung tab active 2 (Android 9) sigue sin aparecer el mapa.
Se podria volver a version posterior?
Gracias -
@Corjan-Meijerink hi Corjan. Yesterday another testing day with thé 294. It was installed automaticly during the night-club on my Android.
Wonderfull day no real problems what so ever. Stopped the app during the stops and it came back just as aspected. Just to be shure , it is testing, stopped the app and loaded the route again. Then skipped all the shaping points I’ve passed and continued the trip.
2 things still need Some attention
On thé way home the battery of my phone gave up. The wireless charging of my quadlock just couldn’t keep up. I know that’s due to the Here maps but it would be mighty fine if the problem was fixed
The other thing is the fuel stations. I have no clue how this works. None of the stations on the route were indicated. The ones indicated weren’t on or near the route. How should it work.
Keep up the good work team BRAVO -
Gistermorgen versie 4.11 geopend en een route gestart. Het viel mij op dat de navigatie aanwijzingen erg luid waren vergeleken met de oudere versies. Raar!!!!
Totdat ik de volume knop van de motor gebruikte. Wat stond er in mijn scherm: "Navigatie Volume". Ik helemaal blij aangezien dit niet in de wijzigingen vermeld stond. EINDELIJK!!!!Helaas toch ook weer niet.
Zo lang als MRA de enige bron van geluid is van mijn Goldwing mediaunit. Heb ik netjes de aanwijzigen via het navigatie kanaal.
Zodra er een bron bij komt, wat eigenlijk altijd iets van muziek is, schakelt MRA direct om naar media kanaal. Er zit dus al iets in MRA om het navigatie kanaal aan te sturen maar het is nog niet goed geschreven.Toch nog een puntje van kritiek over versie 4.11.
Tijdens mijn rit had ik op een gegeven moment een tijdje dat het zoomniveau constant in en uit klapperde. Stukje uitzoomen en weer terug naar het normale zoomniveau. Laten we zeggen van 5 kilometer terug naar 300 meter en weer terug. Tegelijkertijd wisselde het icoontje van huidige snelheid tussen een snelheid en 2 horizontale streepjes. Ook kwam de donkerblauwe routelijn constant van verder vooruit terug kruipen naar de huidige positie.
Je zou dus denken dat er er geen duidelijk GPS signaal was, maar dat was niet het geval. De navigatie aanwijzingen klopten wel gewoon. De routepijl bleef ook gewoon vloeiend bewegen. Na ongeveer 10 minuten zo aan het stuiteren te zijn geweest, crashte de app. De app opnieuw gestart en alles werkte weer normaal.
Dit alles was voor mij zichtbaar op Android Auto. Telefoonscherm weet ik niet. -
Phone: Samsung S21 Ultra
Android Auto display: Chigee AIO-5 Lite
Headset: Interphone UCOM16
Bike: R1250GSAAt Easter I build a Chigee AIO-5 Lite display with CarPlay/Android Auto on my R1250GSA. And since the MyRouteApp support now Android Auto this seems a perfect solution for me. I tested it today with V4.1.1-294 on a ride. It’s my first serious ride with Android Auto, before I had a quadlock with my mobile in vertical position in front of me. I faced several issues today:
• In Android Auto the surrounding streets not on the route are much less good visible. On the phone I get a good impression on what is coming next, in Android Auto these roads are not so well visible. My map settings are zoom ++ and angle ++. On the photos the display does not look bright, but it is in real. I had to take a photo on a low angle otherwise the display is like a mirror for the camera.
• You can see waypoint 8 on this screen, and I am expecting a direction instruction to go left, but instead I get a display instruction of a roundabout later at the route.
Same with waypoint 9: I clear need to go left on this intersection, but no audio instruction and a wrong display that shows again the roundabout later at the route.
As of my opinion a lot of map visibility is lost due to the large size of the blue boxes at the left (with a lot of space unused). Due to this the visibility of the navigation is pushed very much to the right of the display.
Sound: Navigation instructions are much to less loud. If I use only navigation, I can turn up the volume of my headset, but as soon as I listen internet radio, then I must reduce the general volume to avoid that I don’t hear my surrounding anymore. As soon as a navigation instruction comes, the internet radio volume is reduced, but the instruction is at the same reduced level as well. After the instruction the internet radio volume goes up again. Due to this I complete miss the audio instruction and need to look on the display to see where to go. This is as well by using Android Auto as well as with navigation on the phone only.
Hope this helps to improve MRA, since I really like the software and all possible planning options at the PC and navigation with it.
Groeten uit Zwitserland,
Hans -
@Hans-Hüppi said in New beta v4.1.1 (294):
You can see waypoint 8 on this screen, and I am expecting a direction instruction to go left, but instead I get a display instruction of a roundabout later at the route.
I am not sure this is going to solve the problem, but do yourself a favor, and place waypoints at least 200 mtrs from any crossing.
Hallo, warum deine nächste Richtungsänderung nicht korrekt angezeigt wird, kann ich erstmal nicht sagen. Aber ein Tipp vorab, man setzt niemals Wegpunkte in die Nähe (oder auf) Abbiegungen oder Kreuzungen.
Das gibt nur Problem und kollidiert mit der Ansagen von Abbiegungen und dem Wegpunkt gleichzeitig selber.
Also WP immer weiter weg setzen! -
@Con-Hennekens same thought