Navigatie in de file in vergelijking met Apple kaarten
Er zit een duidelijk verschil in navigeren in de spits tussen MRA Apple kaarten:
MRA: in CarPlay navigatie naar een favoriet gestart, snelste route over snelweg. Route wordt gemaakt. Er zijn meerdere routes mogelijk, en de snelste route kan tijdens de spits veranderen. Op de achtergrond is ook Apple kaarten actief, met dezelfde instellingen en bestemming. Na een half uur rijden, wijzigt in Apple kaarten de snelste route. MRA geeft geen nieuwe voorstellen.
Ik kies om dan de snelste Aplke route te nemen (4 minuten sneller), maar MRA blijft heel lang proberen mij terug te sturen naar de MRA route. De aankomsttijd loopt dan flink op. Uiteindelijk (na 5 pogingen in 20 minuten) wordt de MRA route gelijk aan de Apple route.Conclusie: MRA is momenteel niet in staat om in de spits continu de snelste route te nemen, en onderweg suggesties voor snellere route te geven. Met Apple kaarten ben ik gewend vanuit weergave hele route continu de verschillen in rijtijden tussen de routes te kunnen zien, en afwegingen in keuzes van alternatieve routes te kunnen maken.
Vraag: is voorzien dit later in te bouwen?
@Rob-de-Weijze, Ja dat is voorzien later in te bouwen. Momenteel is dat niet het geval. Bij het starten van een route wordt er naar traffic info gekeken (als je dat aan hebt staan). Eénmaal onderweg is traffic info wel zichtbaar, mar zal geen nieuwe suggestie worden gedaan. Dat klopt helemaal met hoe de app momenteel werkt.
This is something we will definitely improve in future updates.
Given the majority of users preferring to stick to their original route, we keep rerouting back to the selected route unless there is a very significant difference
Active suggestions of faster routes is on our backlog!
@Rob-de-Weijze For time-sensitive travel, such as going to a meeting or similar events, I still use Waze. And for everything else, I rely on MRA. Especially when driving a circular route or any other planned route where I absolutely don't want to deviate from the path, I'm not interested in traffic information. I haven't experienced having to deviate much from the route during a touristy trip. And the one time it did happen, I hadn't checked beforehand if there were any potential issues along the route. I also welcome the idea of this functionality being improved in the future.
@Peter-Schiefer, you have to consider where where MyRoute-app comes from. It is not intended as a GMaps or Waze clone. It is mainly intended for multi-waypoint scenic (motor)tours. Under those circumstances Traffic info is not such a big deal. Of course the app is more and more moving towards an general purpose navigation tool. So the continuous traffic implementation will be done at some point, like Corjan says, but it is not the main usage scenario for most users. All in due time
@Con-Hennekens said in Navigatie in de file in vergelijking met Apple kaarten:
It is not intended as a GMaps or Waze clone.
I also didn't write this with the intention that MRA should become a Waze clone. But a little bit more traffic information on your route with a possible route change would be quite welcome. I mainly use the apps for what they're good at: MRA for driving routes and Waze for time-critical navigation.
You're right. When riding a trip most people like to stick to the original.But when riding from A to B. I think most people like it to be traffic-aware. Just like Google, Waze, etc does.
@M-Schrijver I agree, I don't think MRA will ever be able to match Google for A to B routing. I honestly don't think they should even try. I use MRA for trip planning but for a short A to B trip I'll use something else.
@RetiredWingMan correct - not our ambition! But yes, we do plan on further improving simple AB navigation!
@Peter-Schiefer said in Navigatie in de file in vergelijking met Apple kaarten:
Hallo Con, meintest Du mich oder Rob. Ich habe nichts von Waze geschrieben
You are right, I meant to reply to @Rob-de-Weijze indeed. Waze was just meant as an example (of A2B navigation).
@Rob-Verhoeff said in Navigatie in de file in vergelijking met Apple kaarten:
I mainly use the apps for what they're good at: MRA for driving routes and Waze for time-critical navigation.
I think many people do it like that