CarPlay does not show Routepoint options on screen?
I've been testimng MRA CarPlay and noticed that when navigating a route on CarPlay there are no options to see the routepoints, skip them etc. The three dots are missing on teh CarPlay, they are on the iPhone, but its not handy to have to use the iphone to manipulate the CarPlay.
I also notices that, while navigating on CarPlay, the route is nog moving along on the iphone itself. It does show the correction changes correctly on the iphone but the rout itself is not moving?
Finally, i noticed discapincies on the route information between the AppleCarply and the i phone. Mainly in the arrival time, the two units somtimes differ about a minute. for example In CarPlay is says arriveal 14:23 and on iPhone 14:22.
@Kenneth-de-Miranda correct, quite a lot of features for CarPlay still need to be developed
@Corjan-Meijerink aha, ok thanks! Did not see this reply so mentioned the same issue today. I will be going on a 3 week road-trip wit MRA and Apple CarPlay mid June, so hopefully some more will be available then, but as a system architect my self I appreciate the complexity of system design and development. Keep up the good work, I’ve recommended the MRA product to quite a few roadster friends.