New MRA Mobile Update 3.2.4
Here we are again!
A lot of time has been spent in the development of Navigation Next, the navigation module within MyRoute-app Mobile which will replace the existing Navigation app around summer 2023.
In the forum all Beta testers directly contribute to the development of this app. Do you want to become a Beta tester or want to know more about the new app? Please check out
The suggestions provided by the community have been directly contributing to a new Mobile app version. This weekend the new Mobile version (3.2.4) will be available to all users! Changes include:
- Show breadcrumbs in your route / track folders
- Manually add a destination by long pressing the map
- Add custom locations to your favorites
- Overview of favorites
- Styling improvements
In short: better overview of your routes / tracks when navigating folders, an overview page of favorites and creating a route towards a random location on the map.
Furthermore, some slightly hidden features! If you now long press the back button (top left), you will return to the map directly. Also, when selecting a random location on the map, press the star icon shown next to the name of that location to mark it as favorite
Images to elaborate:
Corjan Meijerink
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Testplatform Android
emailadres brabowinger@gmail.comWat nu te doen?
Vriendelijke groet Toon de groot
@Toon-0-0 Je kan het beste contact met de support opnemen
@Corjan-Meijerink Update de mobile app uit zichzelf of mag ik daar iets voor doen?
@Inge-Bakermans Die is er! Wordt automatisch geupdate indien je dat aan hebt staan.
Corjan Meijerink