Link broken because of line break
just a suggestion.
The link in the email to Test flight was broken because of line break.
This was probably due to the e-mail program. I tried different ways to copy the link or to send it differently.
I had to get the link to the iphone somehow.
Finally only the conversion of the long link with tinyURL into a short link worked.
So it would be better to send only short links in the future.! -
@Jörgen If you are referring to the TestFlight email itself, that is entirely handled by Apple
Nothing much I can change there.
If that isn't the email you are referring too, please attach a screenshot of the one you are talking about
I opened this email in Icloud in my web broser and it worked fine, link was clicable.
Staszek -
@Corjan-Meijerink Yes it was the mail from Test flight. It was sent to an account where I do not have access via iPhone, so I forwarded the mail to another account. The Link did not come as a clickable pic, it came as a text string, therefore broken.
OK, understand that this is an Apple issue. Anyway, I found a solution.
So just a hint for others with similar problem. -
@Jörgen Thanks for reporting! Interesting issue
Nothing I can do about it and happy you found a workaround!
I'll lock this thread
Corjan Meijerink 5 Dec 2022, 13:10
MyRoute-app community 8 Dec 2022, 12:21