thanks for the answer, now I know at least the background.
Dragging a route point
I would like to make another suggestion for improvement here.
In Tyre, dragging a route point displays the new route live. This is unfortunately not the case in MRA.
This feature is very useful when planning a route, as it shows immediately where the route point must be set so that a certain section of the route can be driven.
At the moment the route point has to be moved again and again or several route points have to be set.
It would be nice if this feature could be incorporated in the foreseeable future.Otherwise I am very satisfied with MRA and like to work with the program.
Best regards
- 5 months later
I would like to address the topic one last time. Maybe it can be included in "The Great Suggestion List". I still think it would be very helpful if an instant preview of the new route lane were displayed when moving a route point like in Tyre.
@Christian-Schrenk Hi Christian, thank you for this suggestion. I'll put it on the suggestion list. One of the reasons this worked with Tyre is because it was based on a user-only Google Maps licence. As a result this kind of calculation (just like you can do in Google Maps) is zero-cost for the user. Things have changed quite a bit since then, and unless we can work something out with all our mapping suppliers such a solution would be hard. Then again, I'm not one of our developers who pull all kinds of impossible feats so we might actually be positively surprised.
Regardless, adding it to the list.
thanks for the answer, now I know at least the background.