Place names in the TomTom map
Place names in the national language are shown on the TomTom map. The place names are shown bilingually or in English on the Google Maps or Here map. The place names in the map of TomTom MyDrive are also English or German. For better planning and orientation, can you use a TomTom map that shows the place names at least in English? Just as an example "Sofia", without entering the town in the search line, it is difficult to find Sofia.
Hello Christian, I don't know if that's possible. The supplier may determine this.
@Michel, is this possible? -
@Christian-Schrenk To be honest, even though I use a TomTom Rider 500, I don’t plan my routes using the TomTom map. I find that the TT map does not contain enough information. I plan my routes using the Here map but I will often use the Open Street Map or any of the other maps as an overlay. You could do the same, place names will then be in English. You can use the ‘Compare With TomTom’ tool from the toolkit to make sure that your route is compatible with TT and then when you have finished. Change the planning map to TT.
Of course, that's a possibility. I like to plan with the TT card and for larger tours I still have to make adjustments after transferring it to the rider because the card on the device and the MRA do not match 100%.
I will not have the problem mentioned so often because I will not be traveling a lot in the areas where the place names are not legible for me.
Nevertheless, I think that for many users it would be helpful and more confusing if the place names appeared at least in English. That's why I drew your attention to it. And TT itself has a map in MyDrive for planning, on which the place names are shown in English.
@Christian-Schrenk said in Place names in the TomTom map:
for larger tours I still have to make adjustments after transferring it to the rider because the card on the device and the MRA do not match 100%.
Really! I have never encountered any problems. Last year I traveled 7200 kms on a tour through 5 European countries with zero errors.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-RouteXpert and myself instruct users of MRA and one of the most common problems is incorrect positioning of route points. It is imperative to fully zoom into each RP to check its position. Make sure that they are not too near to road junctions, roundabouts or viaducts. This can cause problems if your GPS device is receiving a weak signal.
Good luck with your future planning. -
@Nick-Carthew-RouteXpert I am very satisfied with MRA and do all the planning with it. The problem of deviating routes lies with TomTom and handling with waypoints. The more waypoints are set, the more accurately the route is transmitted. However, with many waypoints set, an intentional departure from the route is a major problem for the rider. The waypoints are not shown by name in the rider, so it is difficult to skip several waypoints and get the desired waypoint as the next one. MRA can't help it.
The only thing that mattered to me was that when planning in MRA it was easy to see what the localities in the region were called. And it would be helpful if the place names appeared in English, because I couldn't read the characters in the local language.
@Christian-Schrenk “The more waypoints are set, the more accurately the route is transmitted.“ Local conditions like heavy traffic or road closures can affect your TT and maybe cause it to take a diversion. Placing more waypoints does not make the route more accurate. In fact, it multiplies the chances of an inaccurate route if all waypoints are not fully checked as previously mentioned. And as you said, it makes rejoining your original route difficult.
And the language used on the maps is out of the control of MRA like @Hans-van-de-Ven-RouteXpert said in a previous reply, but I think we have found you a solution. -
@Nick-Carthew said in Place names in the TomTom map:
@Christian-Schrenk “The more waypoints are set, the more accurately the route is transmitted.“ Local conditions like heavy traffic or road closures can affect your TT and maybe cause it to take a diversion. Placing more waypoints does not make the route more accurate. In fact, it multiplies the chances of an inaccurate route if all waypoints are not fully checked as previously mentioned. And as you said, it makes rejoining your original route difficult.
And the language used on the maps is out of the control of MRA like @Hans-van-de-Ven-RouteXpert said in a previous reply, but I think we have found you a solution.Waypoints? You’re overthinking it. Let the map handle the drama.