BT controller causes MRA to crash
Hi, during a live test today, I noticed that the BT controller MotoButtons causes MRA to crash.
When you connect the buttons during MRA is running, it crashes.
There is no chance to restart MRA, the Android Phone needs a complete new start. (see video)Ok , this is certainly a rare case, but it shouldn't be.
@Jörgen, Do you mean that if you connect the buttons BEFORE you start MRA, it is okay?
@Con-Hennekens Yes, if the connection is before the MRA start, then everything works fine.
The same happen like in the video, if you disconnect the buttons during use of MRA. Or if you lose BT connection. A new start is only possible after reboot the phone.
I will try this on another device later. -
And, MRA crashes only in navigation mode. In the start mode, the screen went black also, but comes back (during disconnect and connect).
I've responded here:
Corjan Meijerink