New beta! v4.3.2
Hi all!
Just a quick message from me before the weekend
A new beta is available shortly! It contains a few nice things
App notifications
You will now receive app notifications about the activity feed!Just as with the website you are now notified about what your friends are up to / comments and likes on relevant content
You can disable this in the activity feed itself.Excessive temperature issue resolved
Your phone would become quite hot while navigating. A long and annoying issue. This has finally been solved in this update
The impact of this is that the battery usage of the app has also been improvedNot yet as much as we hope so I am still in almost daily contact with HERE to keep improving this. I will keep on working
The advantage of a lower temperature is that your phone has less issues keeping up. So screen brightness won't be lowered as fast, charging will have less issues etc.Improved routing and navigation
The AB route calculation has been improved! When deviating from the route, the fastest alternative will be calculated so no more weird instructions to keep turning around.
Besides that, the speed limit for motorhomes in the app should now display a more realistic value. We've migrated the underlying route calculation from truck to carApp stability
It's tedious and a lot of work but we are really working on all the stability issues some users have with the app. Especially Android Auto.
We've made quite some improvements in this version and added extra logging for us to resolve issues when they do still occur. Please let us know you experiencesInternal dependencies update
To ensure smooth app updates now and in the future, we ensured everything in the app is up to date again. Not very interesting but quite often a lot of work and very important. After doing such updates, it is however very important for us to know that everything still works as intended.Minor other thing
- Sync stability improved (some users had a database full error which is now resolved and annoying edge cases where the sync would not succeed is fixed)
- Offline maps include topographic information. This means that when you update your offline maps, the 3D elevation difference should not lead to a floating position indicator anymore!
That's it
Please let us know how this version works for you!Corjan
P.S. Sorry for no images in this post
@Corjan-Meijerink Accessible on IOS, will be tested, unfortunately in a car
Thank you! -
@Corjan-Meijerink well done!
Now available for Android
@Corjan-Meijerink great jiob again guys. Thank you
And it's also in de Google play store -
OK, small update. Little things that make a big difference. And I can confirm, it still works for me
@Corjan-Meijerink hi @Corjan-Meijerink
Did another test with the update.
My phone could connect with Android Auto but the car’s screen kept saying MyRoute-app reageert niet
Rebooting Android Auto and my phone several times did not solve the problem. The car’s screen stayed not active, black.
The app on the phone worked as aspected however I didn’t notice any changes in the phones temp and the battery used a lot of power. From 84% at the start to 40% 70minutes later.
I’m sorry to say that it seems not to work yet but I’ll remain positive and waith for the solution -
@Corjan-Meijerink used the app yesterday for a route and logging a track. Unfortunately it crashed many times during the day trip. Luckily I could easily start again and resume tracking and navigating. But this is the first time the app crashes that often for me. App version 4.3.2 - 343 on iOS 17.6.1, iPhone 15 driving on a MC.
When it was working it worked fine. Keep up the good work. I have ditched TT a long time ago.
In June I drove to Norway and back with the current beta at the time ( late May) and had no mayor issues during some 23 days, only a few crashes. -
Same problem. MRA does not react to Android Auto. Is there a way to downgrade to 4.3.1
Updated beta is coming your way! -
To those having issues, you could try removing all your offline maps and try again?
Ok. Een update zie ik direct nog niet. Ik zal alle offline kaarten nu dus verwijderen en vanavond eens kijken of MRA daarna wel weer wil met Android Auto wil werken.Je hoort vanavond het resultaat nog.
@white-mouse-on-the-motorbike Top! Ik heb van andere gebruikers al te horen gekregen dat de update niet heeft uitgemaakt.
De resultaten van offline kaarten verwijderen ben ik erg benieuwd naar!
Alvast bedankt voor het testenP.S. Alle kaarten verwijderen en dan even de telefoon opnieuw opstarten kan geen slecht idee zijn.
Helaas. Alle offline kaarten verwijderd; telefoon opnieuw opgestart. Aangesloten aan Android Auto. Telefoon wordt herkend maar de foutmelding dat Android Auto niet reageert blijft. Ook de optie wachten geeft gen resul taat. Dus maar afsluiten.
Andere apps zoals Google Maps en Waze werken wel normaal.Het wachten is dus op een volgende oplossing om te proberen.
@white-mouse-on-the-motorbike dankje, we gaan het onderzoeken. Zou je een support ticket kunnen aanmaken met daarin de logs van je app?
Deze krijg je door het versienummer onderaan je profiel pagina (waar alle instellingen staan) lang in te drukken.Pak ik hem daar op