Route navigation a mess after latest update
I think something must have gone totally wrong again with the last update.
I drove my first tour after the latest update and unfortunately the navigation was again a complete mess.
I had planned a route and the navigation tried constantly for some strange reason to navigate me away from my planned route, meaning I got loads of pointless navigation commands because I didnt follow these commands and stayed on my planned route.
Sorry but this type of navigation is completely useless to me, if I plan a route then I want drive obviously the planned route and not some other the navigation suggests for whatever reason.
There was now a period before this update where the navigation worked fine for the first time after he previous problems with algorithm and waiypoints was fixed but now we are back to a useless system and I am really tired of it.
It is impossible to rely on this navigation system.I love the route planner and I am using it a lot but the navigation is just hopeless.
See the below picture, I am not sure what this route is supposed to be but its not my planned route.
@Thomas-Scharrer can you share the URL of your route here? Make sure it is public!
@Thomas-Scharrer Hi Thomas, your first and last points are on the same spot. Move your first point some way down the direction you want to go say 1KM. The GPS on the phone knows where you are and will navigate you to the first way-point. This way the route is unlikely to get confused and take you on your intended route. Also put extra waypoints in particularly on the extremities of your route to make sure the intended path is followed. For 230km I'd normally use at least 20 waypoints.
@Thomas-Scharrer I see only one strange phenomenon in your route at waypoint 9 (see image 1 below). There, you can see a break in the route line. However, this does not cause the route to deviate from the intended path for me (image 2). Additionally, I would advise you to move the endpoint of your route (see image 3). Assuming that you live at route points 1 and 10 and know how to get there, it makes more sense to me to end the route somewhere else to avoid any conflicts. After all, you're only talking about a distance of approximately 2 kilometers. This way, you ensure that you’re not directed straight to the endpoint! Above all, always place the waypoints on the road, not beside it!
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
Thanks for your comments.
Yes my start and end point is the address where I live. I have created may routes where I used my address as start and end point and before this update I had no problem with that.
If that is a problem now I can try change it on my next tour.
Fortunately I know where I live otherwise I would have been lost many times with this navigation system but isnt the main purpose of a navigation system to navigate you to an address and not 2km before it?To me it is not logic when you plan a round tour and not having the start and end point the same but maybe it is for this navigation system. Why would the navigation want to direct me directly from my start point the end point again if waypoint 2 comes next, doesnt make much sense to me.
I am using more waypoints in the route planner if it is necessary for the route planner to define the route more clearly but here this was the route I wanted to ride and thats why I didnt see the need to add additional waypoints.
Anyway, are there any comments to the route picture I posted in my first post? Is this how a route navigation is supposed to look like now?
Why are there all these strange alternative routes if there are clearly defined waypoints?
Please note that it was not like that before the last update and I drove many tours this summer. -
@Thomas-Scharrer Just a quick answer from my side.
When starting a route, it starts at waypoint 1 automatically.
So it seems you loaded the route again near waypoint 4 but it's still setting waypoint 1 as default first waypoint. Therefore you get a route to the start of the created route first.Simply long press waypoint 4 here and off you go from there.
If you stopped navigation before, there was a "resume navigation" prompt. When using that, you don't have this issue.Small teaser: in the next update, we introduce the possibility to always automatically determine the nearest waypoint and start from there. To prevent these issues
Thanks for your comment.
The reason why I started the navigation again was because of all the strange commands I got otherwise I would not have done that.
AND when I restarted the navigation I had the function "start from current location" enabled.
So the question is why I got all these strange commands which wanted to redirect me from my route in the first place, before restarting the navigation?
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Route navigation a mess after latest update:
"start from current location"
This option determines whether you want route instructions from your current position to waypoint 1, or if you want the route instructions to start only from waypoint 1. -
that is even more unlogic.
If you are already somewhere on a route, why should the navigation guide you back to waypoint 1 and not to the next one to come?
Other navigation systems would resume navigation from your current position onwards not back.Imagine if you are on a tour for several days and you stop the navigation in between instead of keeping it running over night it will not work at all?
To avoid having the navigation running all the time on such tours, I always split several day tour into 1 day tours but that is a workaround.
@Thomas-Scharrer Just wait for the next update when the earlier mentioned function will be released!
that is even more unlogic.
I think I need to correct myself
. This function only shows the driving time of your entire route starting from waypoint 1. If you turn the toggle on (green), you will see the driving time of the route including the navigation from your current departure point. If the toggle is red, you will only see the driving time from waypoint 1. In both cases, you will be guided with route instructions.
So, it's more or less a planning thing...
Fortunately I am also using a Beeline navigation device which provides very reliable navigation.
I am often exporting my created routes to the Beeline.
With the Beeline, if I stop a navigation and start it again, it will always start the route from my current position and navigate me further, not back.
Please also note that it is no problem at all for Beeline to have my address as start and end point.Is the conclusion here now that nothing is wrong with the MRA navigation and it is just my fault because I used my home address as start and end point (which is not possible anymore) and that I have not added enough waypoints?
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Route navigation a mess after latest update:
If you are already somewhere on a route, why should the navigation guide you back to waypoint 1 and not to the next one to come?
Well, imagine you're not at the start location but somewhere else but I do wanna start at rp1..(!) How should the app determine whether or not I do want to ride the entire route, and not only the 'remaining' part from my current location.
Imho it truly makes sense for the app to always start at rp1, and the user shall deviate from that method on purpose by manual interaction by i.e. longpressing the closest waypoint. Note that a new function will be implemented to auto-start from the nearest waypoint in upcoming updates.
And to be clear: the app has had this behavior since it's first beta release, and it has even been like this in the previous app! It has always defaulted to start at rp1. You expecting the app to start at the nearest waypoint while on route, proves to me you're now very familiar with the nav app yet, I'm sorry. I'm therefore inclined to say some user error is in play here. No judgment, just observation.
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Route navigation a mess after latest update:
With the Beeline, if I stop a navigation and start it again, it will always start the route from my current position and navigate me further, not back.
If you stop the navigation you get a very clear message on your homescreen: "Resume navigation?". Pressing "Yes/Navigate" completely does what you mention here! You seem to simply not know the app. That's fine, but before posting things like: "this app is completely useless", please ask questions first to check whether or not it's the app's fault or users's fault.
I have used the MRA navigation app a lot this summer and as mentioned it worked well (for me for the first time) in this period before the last update, that is just my observation.Maybe its stupid or my way of thinking is unlogic to you but if I am somewhere (not only planned route) and then I enter from somewhere my planned route (this can also be a gas station or restaurant not on the route) I would think it would be logic that the navigation then navigates me from that point further. However MRA seems to try to find whatever alternative routes by itself to navigate me home.
During all the tours I rode this summer there were a few hickups with the navigation but nothing serious, meaning it worked well. But on my last tour after the update I suddenly got 100 strange commands away from my planned route so it was really impossible to navigate and therefore I assumed something has happened during this update because it clearly wasnt like that before even though I also used before my home address as start and end point.
Please also note that I am using MRA on a motor bike. I understand that when you use it in the car you can constantly fickle around with waypoints etc but this is not possible when riding motorbike, it would be far from safe.
So why did I get during this tour all these strange commands .... according to you because I dont know the system?
And as mentioned above I only stopped the navigation and restarted it BECAUSE of all the hopeless commands I got ...... so I thought maybe a restart of the navigation would help. So dont tell me this is my fault because I restarted the navigation.
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Route navigation a mess after latest update:
Please also note that I am using MRA on a motor bike
Please take a look at my profile picture...
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Route navigation a mess after latest update:
So why did I get during this tour all these strange commands .... according to you because I dont know the system?
Perhaps you've missed waypoint 1? All kinds of reasons, but the most basic foundations of the apps behaviour seem unknown to you, that's the only thing I observe. That is completely fine as long as no statements like: "This app is completely useless" are made.
I have been using the app very much without any issues, as long as the app is used how it is intended to be used for routes that are fitting to the way the routes should be made for correct use with the app.
That being said, I'm sorry for mentioning you don't know the app, but seriously, getting 100 strange commands does not match the behaviour I, and many others, have observed, so the obvious thing is to look in the mirror and try to filter out user error, before pointing to the app.
thanks for the information -
Thanks guys, I've learned some things here ;-).