Feature Request: "Avoid All" toggle or preferences
Feature request: an "avoid all" toggle, or even an "avoid all" default setting.
I have no idea how common this is for the community at large, but the vast majority of the time I turn on all avoidances except tunnels. Being able to set default avoidances or having a toggle to quickly "avoid all" would be a nice quality of life feature.
@Mark-Drummond, What do you use for navigating? Avoid settings will be translated to your mobile device if you use the MRA app to navigate, but all dedicated devices do no get these options translated to the device. In my opinion it is best to plan your routes with NO avoid settings enabled, and just place enough shapingpoints to force the route the way you want.
I would also find a default setting for this very helpful. Both on the web and in the app. Which is automatically applied to every new route. Also when importing a route.
An important feature for me!