Offline cards - currently not on SD...
I'm totally new to the Android MyRoute-app and like to use it on a longer motorcycle tour (end of next week).
For that it's very important to download all the maps - now I saw a note that it's "currently not possible because of issues" to store them on my SD card.
But to store them in my internal RAM there's not enough space available.So when will it available again?
@Bodenseematze They definitely are not stored on your internal RAM
Not sure when the issue will be fixed however.
How many countries are you going to visit? The chances that you have a few gigs left on your internal memory is quite high. -
Ik had de kaarten eers gedownload op de sd kaart en toen later op het interne geheugen van de telefoon na de uodate van MRA. Staan de oude gedownloaden kaarten nog op de sd kaart of zijn die door MRA gewist? En als ze nog op de sd kaart staan kan ik ze dan wissen en waar staan ze dan op de sd kaart?
Groet, Peter -
I travel from Germany to Albania and then back with a ferry from Greece to Italy and from there back by motorcycle to Germany - so there are quite a lot of countries(Germany, Austria, Slowenia, Kroatia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Greece, Italy)
What exactly is the technical problem with the SD card?
@Peter-Bijnsdorp Deze zullen er nog staan. Wanneer het probleem is opgelost, zouden de kaarten op de SD kaart ook weer moeten werken dus.
@Bodenseematze Quite some countries! Enjoy your trip
Technical issue that due to some formatting issue in the HERE SDK for SD card maps, the offline maps become useless. -
@Corjan-Meijerink als ik oude android app hou en ook de kaarten op sd blijft dat dan offline werken ?
ik heb ook beperkte ruimte en ik begrijp dat oplossing nog wel lang kan duren.