“Camper Contact” database
I have been using MRA on a daily basis on a motorhome trip around Europe. Indeed, i prefer it to the Garmin alternative that is built into my van.
However, the Garmin device does offer the use of the Camper Contact database for routing to specific campsites and aires, which is very useful.
So a suggestion for the MRA developers: can the Camper Contact database be made available on MRA? Both they and MRA are dutch companies.
Ditto the databases from people such as Park4Night?
Ik heb 7,5m 3500kg ingegeven maar ik krijg snelheids beperkingen tot 80km/h op de autostrade
En ook meldingen van verboden voor 7,7T -
At your Garmin the camper database and e.g. Forsquare and Tripadvisor is fix installed on your device, updated only when you get in contact with Garmin Homebase via Garmin Express or W-Lan.Such service is not on the server of MRA.
A sample of a function i miss.
Also with the Map Layouts can not work as expected.
If you use the Google Maps and you see there a POI, which you want to add in your route, you can not click on this POI and the name is carried over in your plan. You can only tick on the road and change the name of the address to the POI name. -
@Peter-Van-Hoof, ik denk dat de fout zit in <3500 en 3500+
Gaat de snelheidsbeperking weg als je 3499 invult?
De waarschuwingen voor gewichtsrestricties vormen samen één layer, dus die kan niet per voertuig worden aangepast. Je ziet dus ALLE gewichtsrestricties, of GEEN. -
Bij mijn volgende uitstap ga ik het testen en laat ik het resultaat weten