skipping waypoints
Sometime it happens that I miss the message about automatic skipped waypoint.
my suggestion would be to increase the display time
and give possibilty to jump to previous point again - without the need of 'menu - list of waypoints'
also expand the button size for canceling skipping => motorcycle gloves -
@Lisi-Mayr I figure that happens!
Good suggestion to go back to previous waypoint more easily.Note that when a prompt message has only one option, tapping anywhere on the prompt selects the button
@Corjan-Meijerink nice to know. but while riding the motorcycle it is sometimes difficult to touch it. I know it is better to stop while using the phone
@Corjan-Meijerink, a nice step would be to make that prompt audible, so users have reason to look at the screen. The duration will be less of a problem then. Increasing the duration also has disadvantages, it could more easily block the view on the routeline and trouble crucial decision making on which turn to take.
@Con-Hennekens like the idea of an audible prompt. Would help a lot in my opinion as I often catch the action box too late.
@Con-Hennekens that actually is a sweet idea
@Corjan-Meijerink and while you're at it, a much more alarm sounding notice for speed cameras etc. Would be very welcome.
@Doug-Robinson We won't change the sounds just now
@Corjan-Meijerink, you're the greatest!