Failed to skip waypoint
Hi guys. I'm still enjoying the beta a lot!!! I will tell you what I think is a bug. I have been able to repeatedly verify the following sequence:
1.- I decide to choose a wp from the route and start from there: it works perfect.
2.- I decide to skip a WP before getting to it. It works perfect.
3.- For whatever reason, I pass by a WP and Next recalculates the route to go to that wp that we have left behind: I can't skip in any way. The only solution is to see the map and choose the point manually.
I have been able to verify this last case on many occasions on each trip.Regards!! I will continue traveling and enjoying the beta.
@b0hd1 I have seen that in the firs beta release (point 3.) I think it is on the list to be corrected; I hope.
@b0hd1 Thanks for the clear test scenario
There still is an issue with skipping waypoints and we are working on an improvements for the upcoming update
Corjan Meijerink