Satellite Signal failure
I have tested the new version of MRA Navigation Next for the first time last Saturday.
I did a small route with just 4 points (1 start, 1 finish, and 2 via points). On this small test route I have experienced 2 big issues :1 - Frequent drops on satellite connection. During a trip of about 30 minutes, the satellite connection failed around 6 times leaving me driving in the Limbo
. When these drops happen, I see on the top left of the screen the Satellite icon, which I assume is the app telling me it cannot get a satellite gps signal. Other apps I use on this same device like Waze, Calimoto or Google Maps don't have any issues getting GPS satellite signal, so I don't think this is a problem with my device antenna. My device is an iPhone 7 running iOS 16 . Important to note (I think) that at all times, I had the internet connection active using the mobile carrier network, and that this problem happened in the city and on the highway, where the coverage of the network carrier is good, and there are no physical barriers to gps signal like close to mountains or tunnels. The test ride was pretty much done on open space area along the entire route.
2 - The skip waypoint feature did not work as expected. After reaching point 1, I did a waypoint skip and expected the app to recalculate the route to the next waypoint. That did not happen, and after reaching waypoint 2 and 3 and skip them as well, the app pretty much multiplied by 3 the distance to the destination. I was also able to see that the app was instructing me to leave the highway and enter again in the opposite direction, so it was telling me to turn around
. The only thing I see that could cause this behavior is that the app did not take into account the waypoints that were skipped and continue to try to take me to the 1st waypoint on the route. Obviously, the closest I was to my destination, the greater was the distance showed by the app to my final destination.
And that's it ! Pretty much everything else worked as it was supposed to
Its just 2 points that malfunctioned but these are critical ones.
Keep up the good work, and please fell free to contact me if you need further details.
JPNunes -
@JPN Happy to hear everything else worked as expected and that you are satisfied with it!
We will investigate the issues you mentioned.
Corjan Meijerink