MRA Navigation Samsung Note 8 (Smartphone) in sleep mode after 90 minutes
MRA Navigation.
My Samsung Note 8 (Android), in combination with a "RAM Mount Quick-GripWaterproof Wireless Charging Holder", always goes into sleep mode after exactly 90 minutes of navigating. It seems clear to me that this can be particularly annoying. Are there MRA Navigation users who also use a Samsung Note 8 where the system does NOT go into sleep mode. Then please advise where to adjust the settings.
The reason I use a Samsung Note 8 is the large screen. This Samsung Note 8 is getting a bit old, so if I can't find a solution for the sleep mode, I'll go for another Android Smartphone with the largest possible screen that DOES NOT fall into one or another sleep mode and can be charged wirelessly. See RAM Mount above.
All advice is welcome
Thanks in advance,
Hans ter Braak -
Hello Hans,
You may be able to find the setting in the Note8 manual or on the samsung forum -
Try Android settings.
Of course you have to allow NavApp to f.e GPS.
In the same place you have an option about Battery savings.
In my case I change this settings for Nav App from Default to No battery saving.