Verrouillage de l'écran
Le verrouillage d'écran fonctionne très bien , mais lorsqu'on appuis sur les 3 points pour avoir le menu , il faut ensuite descendre en bas du menu déroulant pour avoir l'activation du verrouillage écran , serait-il possible d'avoir l'activation juste en dessous de "Arrêter la navigation"Pour déverrouiller , le petit cadenas , c'est parfait
@LE-DIZES-Freddy, you are completely right. This is typically a feature that you want to have available during a ride, without stopping for it.
@LE-DIZES-Freddy My French is a bit rusty, hence the reply in English
I completely agree with you. Moving this option to a higher position in the list would avoid the need to scroll. Upvote! -
je vois que c'est fait , merci le verrouillage est maintenant juste en dessous "Arrêter la navigation"
Merci beaucoup
@LE-DIZES-Freddy you are welcome
And long pressing the menu button will also enable the lock screen! -
@Corjan-Meijerink man, there are so many screen functions, short press, long press, pop ups, options. I don't think I will ever be able to remember them all. I guess this happens when you try to satisfy every user wish and whim. Eventually it will get too complicated.
@RetiredWingMan agree
Good thing is that generally long presses somewhere are only a shortcuts to achieve something that can otherwise be done with more clicks. -
@RetiredWingMan, in general:
tap / click = open or toggle something
long press = do something (immediate action)This is a philosophy used many UI designers.