Auto switch between metric / imperial
I've just started a 14 day trip through Canada and the USA. When crossing over from Canada to US or from the US to Canada, Navigation next does not automatically switch from Metric to Imperial or the other way around. I think it should do this automatically. If this is not possible then please add a switch in the navigation settings menu so that the change can be made easily.
@Doug-Robinson You can find this setting in your default settings on the portal itself. You can also change this setting through the app: Click on the menu in the top left corner > Account in the top right corner > Manage Account > Scroll down to Unit and choose the correct value from the table > Scroll down and click on Save Changes.
For now this is not possible but it's a feature request that's on our backlog
@Rob-Verhoeff I did do that ... didn't appear to make any difference, stupid me, I went back and checked, I did not save the change (didn't see the save button way down the screen). Will try it again when we go back into the US. I nice navigation menu item like the voice prompts on/off functionality would be nice. Cheers.
@Doug-Robinson we want to make all account settings available natively in the app in the future
(like we continuously want to add the same web features in the app)
@Corjan-Meijerink I ride from the UK to Europe often and I use various Navigation on my phone, TomTom and Waze and they dont change automatically to KPH from MPH, the only thing they do is recalculate the speed limit sign in the app if its 80 its shows as 50 which works for me.
@Vince-Hyde next did the same. A little confusing at first but after a few days you get used to it ... mostly.
Even Imperial is incorrect in the USA.
The app still uses yards, not feet. It's extremely confusing.
@Matt-Flaming But then, the USA will always and forever remain confusing.
@Albert-Renting I'm on board with moving to metric, however, the majority of the USA disagrees.
@Matt-Flaming @Corjan-Meijerink for Imperial measure, my suggestion would be to elimate yards and feet all together - go with strictly miles... for example, instead of announcing '700 yd' to next point, announce '0.4 mi' to that point.
@GT-JWR I agree