Modify suggested route from search
Couldn’t find anything but I was curious if I would be able to have a suggested route use a different freeway. I have a quick route search that suggests highway 101, but I typically prefer 280. I tried to grab the route but the app thinks I’m trying to select a different destination. Here’s the screenshot
Is there a way to select this alternative route?
@Robert-Lasirona What happens if you click on the yellow arrow? Then you normally get more routes suggested...
I don’t believe you can currently do this within the Next navigation module. Not sure if there are intentions to develop for future releases. The best way to make the route go where you want is to construct the route in the route lab new route module (MRA app or web portal) and then add additional shaping point between your start and end point which will make the route follow the roads you want.
This route will then be available to select in Next navigation (auto syncs) so you can follow the route you planned.Example created below -
@Bart-DM you are correct, the arrow I was able to be provided with an alternate route via 280. Thanks for the help! I'll most likely do the drive this week, so I'll be able to provide more useful info.
@Robert-Lasirona You are welcome. Enjoy