What happened with A to B navigation?
This Drives me crasy today.
I planed a simple Route to Nideggen in the Eifel, about an hours from home.
I did Not start in the right direction, but MRA wanted me to Drive Back.
There No Chance to do anything, there is No skip for this. Only to Stop navigation and start again.
Why was there No easy Redoute?As you can See, the 1 hours Tour Ender in 2 min.
I tried this again and I did Not follows the Route corectly and I was Guide Back again.
As you can See, the Route was strait in Front of me. What ist going ON?
I tried a third time and IT was still Not working corectly.
I used a detour and was about to come Back to the org. Route (AS you See). But the Ender in 400 m and I was Not able to Drive Fürther.
I need to Stop navigation and start again.So A to B works Not today If you leave the track.
We've fixed this issue ahead of the release!
Rest assured that this won't happen in the new beta version / upcoming release.
@Corjan-Meijerink said in What happened with A to B navigation?:
We've fixed this issue ahead of the release!
Rest assured that this won't happen in the new beta version / upcoming release.Ok, it was just in Beta 4.0.5. - 223?
Oh shit, good to see this before release.
@Jörgen correct
@Corjan-Meijerink just for interest, when will this been fixed for Beta 4.0.5. - 223?
@Jörgen not in 223
We will prepare everything for release tomorrow so there will be a new version and announcement about that.
@Corjan-Meijerink : Das von A zu B habe ich heute auch getestet.
Mit folgenden Ergebnis heute mit der neusten aktuellen V 4.0.5
Nutzt man die direkte Navigation A zu B und dann danach mit Neuen Ziel nach erreichen des Ziel für ein Neues Ziel scheint der Speicher das Alte Ziel nicht zu vergessen …
Erst bei beenden und Neustart der App lief es fürs neue Ziel von A zu B wieder gut.
Das Alte Ziel war unten „grüne“ Markierung s. blaue Route geht nicht zum Ziel welches oben auf der Karte zu sehen ist..!
Nach Neustart dann richtig ..
@Hubert-Thoring yes, that’s fixed in the new version coming tomorrow.
@Corjan-Meijerink : Super Danke dafür
@Corjan-Meijerink is the new version coming tomorrow also being released for Beta?
@Doug-Robinson yes, I’ll post an announcement about it