Successor for the well-known Oukitel RT2 outdoor tablet is coming.
Successor for the well-known Oukitel RT2 outdoor tablet is coming.
Oukitel RT3 pro
The new version with Android 14 and a few small improvements (according to the homepage) is currently available in the pre-sale on the Oukitel homepage. With code ‘NEW30’ for 199.99.
The normal RT3 with Android 12 (13?) is available very cheaply on many marketplaces for 139.99€.
I've been using the RT2 for 1.5 years and am still satisfied.
MRA runs perfectly on it and you can´t get it cheaper. -
@Jörgen Hi Jörgen. Do you know how many nits they are
@Marinus-van-Deudekom You can find this at the website which I also checked this afternoon. The specifications show 500 nits for the old one and 800 nits for the new Pro.
I do not know how many the RT2 has, but I can read the display even with sunglasses on sunshine. So in my opinion good enough.
Where did you find the 800 nits?
Because shows 600Nits (8” HD + Display & 600nit Screen Brightness) -
@Ralph-Janssen Sorry and you're right. I checked again and it's indeed 600 nits.
I'm searching for a new tablet to replace my old 10" Samsung tablet that I use in my camper.But also want to use it on my motorbike to replace my old 6" OnePlus smartphone. I'm wondering if the resolution is ok, how easy it's to mount an 8"inch tablet on a motorbike and if it's not too big for use on a motorbike. -
@Jörgen Hi Jörgen. That does look great, and as a Nav6 and Chigee user, I still look enviously at the large Android tablets.
But do you not worry about the screen attracting trouble when the bike is left? We all worry when we're leaving the bike over night in a car park, but I can't help feeling that a permanently attached Android tablet just attracts even more yobs who'll try to wrench it off to steal it.
Maybe I'm just a worrier, but I need navigation for my touring bikes, and those always get left out over night. I'm always pleased to unclip my Nav6 or Chigee and put it safely in the hotel room.
Hi, when the motorbike is not in sight view, the tablet is locked in the top case. Unplug the USB plug and pull it out upwards in less than 5 seconds. (If you know how).
I always keep it in my room overnight, as I need it to surf the internet too.For the actual price, it is the best investment for navigation.
And with the Bar Buttons or Motorbuttons you can control MRA completely from the handlebars.
Then it was not searching skillsI want to replace my 6"Samsung phone by a 8"inch tablet. Depending on your bike a 8"is not big problem to mount it. I want it on top of my dashboard and that can be a bit of challenge.
My phone has only 450Nits so anything more would be upgrade. In general I can read my phone just fine only with some direct sunlight can make it unreadable.
What kind of mount do you use?It looks like a setup that I want but I have some problems with find the right mount for tablets?
I don't think Brodit makes mounts for Oukitel devices -
@Ralph-Janssen in my opinion a replacement for my gravin Garmin XT must at least be as good a screen as that XT. That one is 1000 nits so for me the setup in the topic doesn't mert mine.
I'm now considering a Samsung S23 ultra or 24 ultra. They are 1600 nits and 2400 nits -
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in Successor for the well-known Oukitel RT2 outdoor tablet is coming.:
@Ralph-Janssen in my opinion a replacement for my gravin Garmin XT must at least be as good a screen as that XT. That one is 1000 nits so for me the setup in the topic doesn't mert mine.
I'm now considering a Samsung S23 ultra or 24 ultra. They are 1600 nits and 2400 nitsI have read the 1000Nits line before. I have not driven with a 1000+Nits screen so I dont know the exact difference and I believe everyone who says its better readable in (direct) sunlight.
But small tablets (8") are not highly available let alone in a 1000+nit screen. Count in that I don't want to pay €500 or more then all options are out.
A phone/tablet close to €1000 or even over it, is a no go for me.Thats why I count in devices with less Nits like this Oukitel or Samsung active tab 3/5. I want to be rugged because its on a motorcycle
And if I like driving with a tablet, and money can affort it, I can consider a more expensive tablet like TRIPLTEK, Hugerock or a DMD-T865X. -
@Ralph-Janssen Looking at the specs the Hugerock X7 might be an option
- 2 months later
@Ralph-Janssen maybe this is something for you:
Yes in the future I wil consider the Hugerocks. For now I will use my phone and I hope a mini (Doogee) tablet.
My saddle needs remodeling and if my position on the bike does not improve enough maybe even a other bike..... -
@Jörgen, ich habe auch einen RT3 mit Android 13. Ich stelle fest das MRA immer wieder mal den Dialog anzeigt ob die App warten oder beendet werden soll. Wobei das warten nichts bringt. Der Dialog kommt in einer Endlosigkeit. Ich habe eine schnelle 64 GB Speicherkarte als Systemspeichererweiterung installiert. Meine Frage, hast du auch diese Meldung und das Verhalten und nutzt du auch eine Speichererweiterung.
Viele Grüße
Michi -
@Motobummler said in Successor for the well-known Oukitel RT2 outdoor tablet is coming.:
@Jörgen, ich habe auch einen RT3 mit Android 13. Ich stelle fest das MRA immer wieder mal den Dialog anzeigt ob die App warten oder beendet werden soll. Wobei das warten nichts bringt. Der Dialog kommt in einer Endlosigkeit. Ich habe eine schnelle 64 GB Speicherkarte als Systemspeichererweiterung installiert. Meine Frage, hast du auch diese Meldung und das Verhalten und nutzt du auch eine Speichererweiterung.
Viele Grüße
MichiHi, nein diese Meldung habe ich nicht, alles läuft ohne Probleme. Ich habe allerdings Android 12 auf dem Gerät. Entweder es hat mit der Version zu tun, oder den Einstellungen im Gerät.
Wie sieht die Meldung aus? Kannst du einen Screenshot zeigen?
@Jörgen vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Werde ich dir heute Abend zusenden. Mir kommt es so vor das zwischen dem Laden der Route und starten der Navigation viel Rechenleistung bzw. RAM gebraucht wird oder meine SD Karte, die ich als Systemspeicher formatiert habe vielleicht doch zu langsam ist. Obwohl der RT3 eigentlich recht flott reagiert. Hast du auch eine SD Karte verbaut oder benutzt du ausschließlich die 4GB RAM?
@Motobummler Ja habe auch eine SD-Karte, aber nicht für das System. Da könnte der Schluckauf liegen. Versuche mal ohne die Karte, bzw. diese nur als Zusatzspeicher.