Update 4.0.1
Hi Beta community!
As of now, the release version and Beta are aligned again.
You'll have slightly earlier access to the new 4.0.1 version.Changes are listed here: https://forum.myrouteapp.com/topic/4598/update-4-0-1
Now that we've got this update done, the Beta channel can be actively used again!
As this update contains quite some critical improvements for the public version (stuck on account screen) - it has been released immediately to them too. Normally we'd like to give you slightly longere Beta advantages
We are very happy with the release and eternally grateful for all your feedback
Corjan -
This update is in Test Flight….. thought we are done testing the app. Why isn’t this update available in the App Store? I uninstalled the Test Flight app……. all it did was crash all the time anyway…… and was happy to know that the New App is finally ready for usage……. now a new update in Test Flight…… doesn’t make sense!
@Corjan-Meijerink : es gab gerade den zweiten TestFlight Mail Aufruf….
@Hubert-Thoring correct - v188 contains a critical fix discovered in 187. Update details remain the same.
@Michael-Ferguson we are never done with testing. All updates will be processed through TestFlight - this version will also be available for the public (in the App Store) somewhere tomorrow.
Good….. you test it, I’m finished with testing! I just want a reliable app to start using! The dam Test Flight always crashes…… I will download/update the app when available in the App Store……. just like we used to do. No more testing for me….. you test it, then make it available for download!
Thank you