Request for haptic feedback on app-interactions
I would like to request haptic feedback on (all?) interactions with the app such as:
- Confirming the skip of a routepoint;
- Longpress on a routepoint;
- Switching compass settings;
- Starting a track recording etc...
In general I prefer to receive haptic feedback on all interactions with the app. Perhaps it can be included as a user-setting as well?
Since you guys are introducing requested customization options at an impressive rate, I thought: why not ask for this now...
How 'bout my fellow riders here? How do you feel about this?
Thatโs a great shout for the summer but I doubt Iโd feel a thing during a UK winter with thick winter gloves on. Brrrrr
@StefanHummelink hahah good idea, not a very high priority as you already figured
But yes, would be a great detail.