Suggestion - Superimposing on route on top of another
I like the way MyRoute enables people to superimpose routes on top of each other. I use the function quite a lot, when creating my own routes.
In the existing basis, the outline route that is superimposed is always in yellow. I have never found a way to change the yellow colour. This is OK if you only superimpose one route on top. It gets a bit confusing if you superimpose two or more, as they are all yellow, too.
It would be great if we could change the colours of each route we superimpose, in the same way that we can chose the colour of of each waypoint marker. Garmin’s BaseCamp and MapSource (I used to be a big fan of Garmin route creation software) has a great choice of easy to use colours.
Did you try to click on the yellow square?
You can change the color there. -
Thank you.
I thought there might be a way to do it on my iPad.
I will give it a try.
It works brilliantly. Thank you.