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Langzaam maar zeker begint de MyRoute-app met MRA Navigation Next bekend รฉn populair te worden!
Vandaag, eigenlijk volledig onverwachts, een erg positief artikel in de KicXstart gelezen. Gewoon een medewerker van KicXstart die zonder TomTom of Garmin met zijn Ducati naar Sloveniรซ is geweest en alleen de MyRoute-app inclusief het MRA Navigation Next abonnement heeft gebruikt. Dat is hem goed bevallen, erg goed bevallen, hij schrijft letterlijk 'Hulde'!
Als directeur van MyRoute-app is het moeilijk te verwoorden hoe trots ik ben op het hele team en in het bijzonder de developers Joost en Corjan! Maar laten we vooral de Bรจta testers niet vergeten, zonder deze groep simpelweg geen app.
Op naar de volgende review
Michel van Hagen
Directeur MyRoute-appSlowly but surely, the MyRoute app with MRA Navigation Next is becoming known and popular!
Today, actually completely unexpected, I have read a very positive article in the KicXstart. Just a KicXstart employee who went to Slovenia with his Ducati without TomTom or Garmin and only used the MyRoute app including the MRA Navigation Next subscription. He liked that, really liked it, he literally writes 'Kudos'!
As director of MyRoute-app it is difficult to put into words how proud I am of the whole team and in particular the developers Joost and Corjan! But let's not forget the Beta testers, without this group simply no app.
On to the next review
Michel van Hagen
Director MyRoute app -
@Michel-van-Hagen-MRA-Founder daar mag je inderdaad trots op zijn. Er zijn al flink wat stappen gemaakt en gelukkig komen er ook nog verbeteringen aan. Fijn dat je ook erkenning krijgt vanuit onafhankelijke zijde
@Michel-van-Hagen-MRA-Founder Very nice to see when it is printed on a page. Keep up the good work
Thatโs Awesome.
Would be great to get a translation of the review in English if possible. -
I was quite sceptical in advance to be during the trip
towards Slovenia to fully rely on an app; but I didn't like converting the TomTom on the Ducati, so I took the gamble. The superstructure with the RAM Mounts and the Peak Design holders (see last month) worked perfectly. Simple, effective and multi-adjustable, after all, the space is scarce on a sports engine. Now for the navigation...Never expected me to ever say it again, but MyRoute offers that intuitive thing I've never been able to find with other systems. Also bj MyRoute you can already make routes on the computer and then load it to the smartphone, but that's not the way I navigate. I look at the map and map out a route it for the next day where I want to go approximately. The MyRoute app does just that aspect excellently. What is great is that you can select different map layers, including the well-known Michelin layout, so that you can see at a glance what the beautiful roads are (yellow/green). Then tap the desired waypoints on the map with your finger and conjure up a great route in no time. You give it a name and save it to your library. If you are going to drive, select the route of that day and voila, drive. The layout of the app itself is well thought out and well-organized, including with the time/distance to be driven to the next waypoint (or end point) and the current speed limit in combination with your own GPS speed. The app does have a payment structure, but for a few euros a month you can cross the world without any problems. Tribute.
Thank You Nick.
You are the man! -
This post is deleted! -
@Michel-van-Hagen-MRA-Founder :
Hey Michel,
ich hoffe das Du ist unter Bikern okay, schรถn zu sehen das Du selbst begeisterter Biker bist, ich freue mich und bin seit 2022/23 begeisterter MyRoute-App Nutzer.Das ganze ist so gelungen das ich jedem Biker genau diese MyRoute-App Lรถsung nur empfehlen kann.
๏ธDanke an das ges. MyRoute Team
Die alten anderen Werkzuge wie BMW Navi N6 und BaseCamp sind bei mir jetzt รผberholt und schlummern in der Ecke.
Ich fahre jetzt begeistert so
VG Hubert